Marcielea Hernandez, Water is my style as it's constantly evolving and shapes based on the surroundings in my life at the current time. It bends and flows to adapt to the changes made in my life as I evolve and learn more about myself each day as a dance ninja. artist featured at Pulse Ontario Dance Conference

Pulse Team: Marcielea Hernandez

Dance Style
Water is my style as it's constantly evolving and shapes based on the surroundings in my life at the current time. It bends and flows to adapt to the changes made in my life as I evolve and learn more about myself each day as a dance ninja.

Workshop Title
Mini film/videographer coordinator

Workshop Description
Mini film/ videographer coordinator. Facilitates the filming and editing of the site based films made during the conference between the students and artists.

Artist Bio
Marcielea is the newest member to the Pulse team after joining in November of last year. After being a Pulse participant during her high school years, she wants to provide others with the same meaningful memories and experiences Pulse provided for her. Switching from her role as a dancer to coordinator, she hopes to provide the best experience for this conference as an representative of Pulse and it's message.

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