Bobbie Dorka
Dance Style
Workshop Description
Step Dancing is a combination of clapping, stomping, chanting or singing in unison in order to create rhythms and beats. Synchronized groups perform in Step shows; or competitions that combine cheer leading, and military drill-team moves. These aspects add to the energy of Stepping for entertainment and also for bonding and pride within a team or organization. Recently, Step dancing became popularized by the hit film Stomp the Yard. The Step workshop will teach students everything from basic beats to more complicated rhythms, movements and combination moves. Students will learn the skills to create their own creatively choreographed Step Dance and perform it within a mini show. Students will leave the workshop empowered and inspired by Step's contagious energy. So STEP ON IT!
Artist Bio
After seeing and experiencing some live Step performances, Bobbie knew that she wanted to be a part of a step team. Bobbie joined a local group and trained and performed with them. The energy was always amazing! She took what she had learned from her own step experience and began teaching and forming step groups wherever she went; eventually leaving small groups stepping in Japan, India, and Korea. Now as a dance teacher at Earnscliffe Senior Public School, she instructs the Earnscliffe Step Team which is in full force and has been stepping strong for the past two years. The team has had the opportunity to perform for local high schools, elementary schools, in the Peel Dance Showcase, Black History Showcase and looks forward to compete in the Kiwanis Dance Festival this coming year. Bobbie has also signed on to teach Step at Jade's Hip Hop Academy located in Brampton for the 2007/2008 school year. Jade's Hip Hop Academy is a studio that focuses solely on urban dance and is a first of its kind in the Brampton area. Bobbie continues to spread Step's contagious energy!