Ashley Burton
Dance Style
Modern - Limon
Workshop Description
Limon inspired Modern class focusing on bound and flow principles, floor work and directional changes in varied movement combinations.
Artist Bio
Ashley Burton, a graduate of York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, majored in Dance and holds Bachelors degrees in both Education and Fine Arts. Her present interests focus on teaching, choreography and directing. As an undergraduate, Ashley choreographed for York’s Dance Ensemble, an occasion that has led to various professional opportunities. Her daring and intricate work has been showcased in various festivals throughout Ontario including the Guelph Contemporary Dance Festival, Ffida International Dance Festival and Nuit Blanche. Métis by heritage, Ashley has contributed significantly to the York University’s Shifting Currents: Finding Balance project by conducting interviews, documenting First Nations dance events, and developing a new piece of choreography with youth from Ontario and Alberta. In April 2009 Ashley was invited to participate in an Artist Residency at the Banff Centre where she created a full-length dance work that was set for an international tour. As Founder and Artistic Director of Arts North, Ashley’s focus since the school’s inception in 2009, has been the development of a well-rounded performing arts program offering dance, theatre and vocal training for Northern youth. Ashley is also an Ontario Certified Intermediate/Secondary school educator. In May 2013, Ashley was the recipient of the Business Professional Women’s Young Entrepreneur of The Year Award for Greater Sudbury.
Artist Website